"To become part of a landscape as image
To delimit it.
To surrender to standstill in the midst of movement.
To suddenly break out of it.
To stand, to observe, to stand still and, perhaps, to attack."
In their performative intervention, lo.me deal with the embodiment of characters that include themselves, the audience and random passers-by. As characters that develop, solidify, and dissolve again over time and in different spaces lo.me make use of certain movements and put them to the test in terms of their self-evidence and situatedness. What rules of movement and encounter apply in specific spaces? What mechanisms of control, alienation and identification come into play? But also: what fantasies are linked to them?
Between two stage-like structures on the northeastern shore of Freiburg's Seepark, a choreography of relations of gaze, action, and identification unfolds. In its ambivalent handling of the viewer's attention, lo.me blurs the boundaries between beginning and end, between object and subject of observation, between docility and mastery. Formal elements such as duration, blurriness, minimalism, and repetition meet spontaneity and unpredictability-with the aim of challenging and potentially shifting supposedly stable power relations and expectations.
Text: Biennale für Freiburg 2
The performance is a collaboration between Perrrformat (Luca Büchler, Paula Thomaka, Martina Morger and Carolina Misztela) and the Biennale für Freiburg and will take place at the Festival in Freiburg in July.
Date: 16.06.2023
Start: 19:30
Location: Stone Snail, Seepark Freiburg, Germany
Note: The performance will take place in all weathers and is barrier-free accessible
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
Biennale für Freiburg
"To become part of a landscape as image
To delimit it.
To surrender to standstill in the midst of movement.
To suddenly break out of it.
To stand, to observe, to stand still and, perhaps, to attack."
In their performative intervention, lo.me deal with the embodiment of characters that include themselves, the audience and random passers-by. As characters that develop, solidify, and dissolve again over time and in different spaces lo.me make use of certain movements and put them to the test in terms of their self-evidence and situatedness. What rules of movement and encounter apply in specific spaces? What mechanisms of control, alienation and identification come into play? But also: what fantasies are linked to them?
Between two stage-like structures on the northeastern shore of Freiburg's Seepark, a choreography of relations of gaze, action, and identification unfolds. In its ambivalent handling of the viewer's attention, lo.me blurs the boundaries between beginning and end, between object and subject of observation, between docility and mastery. Formal elements such as duration, blurriness, minimalism, and repetition meet spontaneity and unpredictability-with the aim of challenging and potentially shifting supposedly stable power relations and expectations.
Text: Biennale für Freiburg 2
The performance is a collaboration between Perrrformat (Luca Büchler, Paula Thomaka, Martina Morger and Carolina Misztela) and the Biennale für Freiburg and will take place at the Festival in Freiburg in July.
Date: 16.06.2023
Start: 19:30
Location: Stone Snail, Seepark Freiburg, Germany
Note: The performance will take place in all weathers and is barrier-free accessible
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
lo.me, Ultra, 2023, photo by Sévérine Kpoti / Biennale für Freiburg 2
Biennale für Freiburg